Migrate Keycloak Data on Fargate
This page outlines how to migrate Keycloak data for Appsmith Users on AWS ECS using Fargate.
Before migrating the Keycloak data, ensure you have completed the following:
- Ensure you have at least 2 GB of free storage available to perform backups and handle update tasks without interruptions.
- Ensure you have created a PostgreSQL RDS instance. If not already, see Configure PostgreSQL instance guide.
Backup Keycloak data
Before setting up PostgreSQL for Keycloak, backing up Keycloak’s data is only necessary if you have an Appsmith installation with user data and are migrating to an external PostgreSQL database. Follow these steps to create a backup of the user data:
- Navigate to the Keycloak directory:
cd /opt/keycloak/bin
- Export Keycloak data to a backup directory:
./kc.sh export --dir /appsmith-stacks/data/kc_data/
- Verify that the data back up is available in the specified directory.
Restore Keycloak data
If you have created a backup of Keycloak data in the Backup Keycloak data section, you need to restore that data to the new PostgreSQL database to migrate the user data. Follow these steps to migrate the user data to the new database:
- Navigate to the Keycloak directory:
cd /opt/keycloak/bin
- Stop the Keycloak service:
supervisorctl stop keycloak
- Import the backup data into PostgreSQL:
./kc.sh import --db postgres --db-password ${APPSMITH_KEYCLOAK_DB_PASSWORD} --db-username ${APPSMITH_KEYCLOAK_DB_USERNAME} --db-url "jdbc:${APPSMITH_KEYCLOAK_DB_DRIVER}://${APPSMITH_KEYCLOAK_DB_URL}" --dir /appsmith-stacks/data/kc_data/
- Once the data is restored, restart Keycloak:
supervisorctl start keycloak
Verify that Keycloak is running properly by logging into the Appsmith dashboard after the restoration.
If you encounter issues, follow these steps:
- Check the logs in the ECS console for detailed error messages that may indicate the root cause. For more information, see Get Container Logs guide.
If you continue facing issues, contact support using the chat widget available in the bottom-right corner of this page.